World of Warcraft
Classic: Gruul’s Lair

There are two 25 member raids in
Burning Crusade. On one hand, you have the rather strenuous Magtheridon’s Lair
and then you have the other you have the one we will be discussing today, Gruul’s
Lair. Where are all these guys getting their lairs? Anyhow, honestly Gruul’s
lair is going to be a pretty busy place, the two bosses inside are considered
to be pretty simple and straightforward. And despite being some of the easiest
raid bosses in the game their still more than a fair amount of powerful loot up
for grabs. These two bosses are great
entry level raids for players who buy WoW TBC accounts and want to hone their
skills before Serpentshrine Caverns.
Now, and
this is very important, just because it’s easy doesn’t mean that you don’t have
to give it your full attention. Absent-minded or nonobservant players can
easily give a raid a shove in the wrong direction that could be all but
impossible to recover from. So we are going to give a breakdown of how the two
bosses in this raid work. Even if you are a veteran, there is no harm in doing
a bit of a brush-up. Pride comes before the wipe, as the old saying goes.
To start, I
will say that both of these bosses are considered so easy that you don’t really
need to be too concerned with party composition. Like, obviously you will need
the essentials, healers, tanks, the whole 9 yards. But it mostly works on
whatever composition works best for everyone. Not a lot of nasty surprises, but
as I said, tanks, healers, DPS all of this stuff is still important, you are
just not likely to suffer a catastrophic loss if you have a small majority in
any of the build types.
The first
boss, High King Maulgar, is actually considered the harder of the two bosses.
He does require some coordination to defeat, but just a little bit of it. His
power mostly comes from summoning four adds into the battle. The key to
defeating him primarily relies on the players killing the adds in the correct
The first
add you want to take down is Blindeye the Seer. He is a healer and killing him
first will make the rest of the fight so much easier.
Next is Olm
the summoner. Not as troublesome as a healer could be, but taking him out of
the fight to minimize the reinforcements that are working against you should be
high on your priority list.
Kiggler the
Crazed is next but should mostly be attacked at range as he has an ability that
activated based on the number of people in his vicinity. If a balance druid is
available then it is recommended that they take on Kiggler as they are immune
to one of his most frequently cast spells, Greater Polymorph, and a balance
shaman can tank this add one on one.
Lastly, for
adds we have Krosh Firehand. Krosh is a magic user that should be tanked
against a mage with high health, more than 9000 at least. This tanking will
minimize the damage as the Mage’s stats will disrupt much of Krosh’s spellwork.
Players, however, cannot stop 100% of enemy spells so players tanking Krosh
should be able to soak 9K+ once if they want the healers to be able to top them
off afterward.
And that
just leaves High King Mauglar. In comparison to the chaos of the previous adds,
the king himself is pretty straightforward in a fight. His mechanics can be
minimized by either running away or having a competent tank. And just like
that, in no time at all, you will have defeat half of the bosses in the raid
and picked yourself up some rather nice loot for your troubles.
But what
about the latter half of this gru(ul)esome twosome, the namesake of the lair
himself, Gruul the Dragonkiller. He is going to be the hard one right, after
all, you probably had a fairly easy time of dealing with Mauglar. Actually, no,
Mauglar is considered the harder of the two fights. Gruul is just as
straightforward but with none of the troublesome adds. Again, that isn’t to say
there is no way you can lose. Just that as long as you pay a bit of attention
to the situation you should be able to coast on through without breaking much
of a sweat.
So, what do
you need to pay attention to when it comes to taking down Gruul? Two abilities
in particular. First is his growth ability. This buff is literally going to
increase his size by 10%, as well as increase his damage by 15%. So while this
isn’t a big deal initially, it can quickly grow into some serious tank-slaying
potential if you aren’t paying attention. The good news is his strength
directly correlates to his size, so you have a good visual reminder to help you
keep track of that.
The second
thing you need to keep tabs on is a pair of abilities that combo together. The
first is Ground Slam, an attack that launches all the players into the air and
inflicts a debuff called Gronn Lord’s Grasp which will slow your movement
speed. Five stacks of this debuff will make it so you cannot move and set you
up for the second part of this combo. When Gruul casts shatter it will deal
damage to all your allies within your vicinity. It’s some devastating stuff,
but again the good news is it has a key weakness. There is enough room in this
fight to just get the heck away from anyone who is stoned before shatter goes
off. Simple, maybe, but if it keeps you alive that is what’s important.
And there
you have it. It may be one of the easier raids in WoW but that doesn’t mean
someone couldn’t use a bit of helpful advice out there. And that is advice that
we don’t mind handing out when we can. Enjoy your (relatively) easy loot and
just try to think of us every once in a while when your new trinkets pop off.