Why Are
Shadowland Covenants So Controversial?

To call the Shadowlands
Covenant system controversial might even be a bit of an understatement. Players
are wary of an expansion whose game mechanic is almost built around unbalancing
the class power dynamic. The Shadowlands expansion may be a huge risk for
Blizzard as far as implementing new mechanics, but it could be worth it.
Nothing awesome can be gained without a little bit of risk-taking after all.
The big issue is that Blizzard has done little to reinforce our faith in recent
times, so what should make Covenants any different? Only time will tell for
It is
unlikely that long-time players will abandon the characters they have invested
so much into because of a bad expansion. While not uncommon for players to sell a WoW account
once they are done with the game, we do not expect a mass exodus because
of this expansion. But really, therein
lies the problem with Covenant. It forces you, with very little flexibility, to
select a path for your character that can drastically alters their proficiency.
While re-speccing isn’t something a long-time player is unfamiliar with, it
won’t be that easy with the faction you choose. Balance is about to take a
major hit and many of us are not thrilled about having the boat rocked.
With such a
meaningful decision to make, many players want to have their plan set out and
start prepping their characters for a particular faction. Since each of the
four factions has a custom ability for each class, a total of 48 new abilities
will be released. These abilities drastically range in quality we thought we
would give our rundown of the best faction for each class. Now, these will largely
vary based on what you use the character for and what they are built to
specialize in so take this breakdown with a grain of salt. These choices are
just generally favorable of the class and not taking into account specifics.
Also, these are strictly mechanics-based suggestions, lore, RP, and aesthetics
are not really quantifiable so we can’t really break that down for you. Let’s start with the base classes then move
to expansions.
Druids will
want to look into joining Venthyr. The Venthyr faction’s Ravenous stacks
damage, healing, and haste buffs for each druid spell cast. While not as flashy
as some of the other factions abilities, it can easily build up into some
serious firepower.
Hunters will
be one of the classes we suggest side with the Kyrian. Resonating Arrow, the
ability Kyrian covenant awards hunters, does a low damage AoE attack that has
an aftereffect of allowing the attacker to ignore line of sight and grants a
whopping 30% increase in crit chance. That is the possibility of serious damage
combined with giving your enemies nowhere to hide.
For Mage
players, we recommend the Night Fae. The Night Fae will award the ability of
Shifting Power. Shifting Power is an AOE spell that does some serious damage
when channeled and, as an added bonus during the channeling, the mages
cooldowns are drastically reduced. This type of spell is versatile enough to
work in most mage builds and still comes in handy.
Paladins up
next and, perhaps thematically appropriate, we think they work best with the
Kyrian covenant build. While the Divine Toll ability doesn’t introduce anything
terribly new, that doesn’t mean it isn’t devastatingly effective. Depending on
the paladins build, Divine Toll will cast either Holy Shock, Avengers Shield,
or Judgment on up to five targets within 30 yards, turning old spells into new
AoE powerhouses that deal out a lot of holy retribution.
For our
first suggestion for the Necrolord build, we have Priests. Priests are granted
the Holy Nova spell which is an AoE that both infects enemies with Unholy
Transfusion and massively heals up to 6 allies. Unholy Transfusion, the icing
on the cake, deals massive amounts of shadow damage over 15 seconds and heals
any of your allies that attacks them.
Rogues are
another class we suggest side with the Necrolord and the ability they will get
for it is honestly pretty devastating. Embedded Bone Spike does exactly as the
name implies, embedding a bone spike and dealing massive amounts of bleed
damage every 3 seconds until the target dies. That is some rough stuff, if
you’ll pardon my language.
Shaman, with
their specific class versatility, is kind of hard to pin down. But if you twist
our arm then we would probably recommend they align with Kyrian for their
Vesper Totem ability. The Vesper Totem, for the next three spells cast, will
either deal 80% damage of the spell or heal for 80% of the spell as an AoE.
This makes this totem an extremely versatile ability, which we think best suits
Shaman on the whole.
should sign up with the Venthyr for access to the Impending Catastrophe.
Besides being the ability with the coolest name, Impending Catastrophe is a
spell that sends a cloud at a target, damaging everyone it touches along its
path. Then when it reaches the target it does damage over time and casts Curse
of Weakness or Curse of Tongues as an AoE. That’s a lot of bang for your buck,
in our opinion at least.
Warrior is
another class with think would best benefit from aligning with the Venthyr. A
Venthyr Warrior can use Condemn. Condemn does hefty damage to a target, but is
only usable on targets at either 80% health and up or 20% and below so it has a
bit of a window.
To start us
off with the expansion class we have the Death Knight. Death Knight players
would best benefit from siding with the Night Fae covenant. The Night Fae
awards the Deaths Due ability an AoE attack that also increases the number of
targets your Necrotic Strike/ Scourge Strike can hit. On top of this, Deaths
Due reduces the damage your enemies can deal to you and gives their power to
you in the form of strength buffs. That is a lot of effects in one spell and we
love that it has so much to offer.
Next, we
have the monk, which proved to be a bit difficult to pick one covenant for but
we settled on the Night Fae. Monks in this covenant will learn Faeline Stomp.
This attack will reveal a faeline, deal damage, and deal bonus damage or heal
depending on your monk specialty. This ability has the added bonus of having a
chance of resetting the cooldown when performed directly on a faeline.
Last but not
least we have the demon hunter. The ability that the Venthyr offers the demon
hunter class is truly something epic. Demon hunters who align with Venthyr can
cast Sinful Brand. Sinful Brand does massive debuffs to a target’s melee attack
speed and casting speed and inflicts an absolutely massive amount of shadow
damage over time. The kicker? If the Metamorphosis ability is used, it will now
inflict Sinful Brand as an AoE on everyone around the demon hunter. Truly
And there
you have it, our recommendations for the best covenant picks for each class.
You may not agree with the changes being brought to this update but that
doesn’t mean you have to be unprepared to deal with the balance shift that is
to come. While Blizzard will allow
Covenants to be changed, it will not be easy.
For this reason, we suspect that many players will choose to buy a new World of Warcraft account rather
than go through the long process of changing factions.