Viego: League of
Legends’ Newest Jungle Champion

League of
Legends has become a staple of online play and the baseline for an entire genre
of gaming. It would be a struggle to find a gaming enthusiast who hasn’t at
least heard about this household title, even if they haven’t played it. The
hardest thing about producing a game of this caliber is maintaining interest.
Gaming is a medium where even the most popular games still eventually lose a
majority of their player base (with extremely rare exceptions). This can be an
issue with games where the gameplay is built around competing players, such as
So how does
League of Legends manage to maintain their continued player base for so long
when so many other studios attempting to improve on their formula? Continued
innovation, specifically to provide engaging gameplay. And for LoL, that means
the development of new characters. Even if the base formula for their game
stays the same, the team’s knowledge and expertise can be seen in the continued
introduction of new and interesting ways to represent your team. And we think
there are few better examples of this dedication than one of the newest
additions to the roster, Viego.
Viego is a
Jungle Melee Skirmisher, and he is certainly set up with the capacity to be a
serious ambush hero, dealing a lot of hurt before the other team has a chance
to realize what is happening. But what really makes Viego stand out is the
ability built into the core of his mechanic. Viego has the ability to “posses”
the enemies he has slain.
How does the
possession work? If an enemy champion dies from Viego, or within 3 seconds of
being damaged by Viego, a “mist wraith” appears over their corpse. When Viego
basic attacks the wraith he possesses it which heals him and teleports him to
the wraith while making him intangible. Viego then takes on the abilities and
appearance of the champion that was killed and gives him a 10% movement speed
bonus while moving towards enemy champions. As if this wasn’t scary enough, possessing
the wraith also give Viego a free charge of his ultimate ability.
How do
Viego’s other abilities combine with this primary one? The answer is very
interesting. Viego basic attack, when used against enemies who have already
been damaged by Viego, to receive extra damage for a second strike that deals a
critical and heals Viego. This effect is maintained during the possession, but
the critical damage is instead converted to bonus damage.
The above
ability couples wells with Viego’s Spectral Maw. Spectral Maw is a dashing
ability and while it does give a speed penalty, it will pass through enemies in
a row and stun the first enemy it strikes. It will damage all the enemies it
hits, though. The most interesting thing about Spectral Maw is it can be chained
with itself as well as any of Viego’s other abilities, making it a powerful
ability to contribute to Viego’s devastating ambushes.
the trend of making Viego an absolutely brutal jungle character is his Harrowed
Path ability. Harrowed Path projects a specter that leaves a trail of mist that
obscures Viego. As long as Viego doesn’t engage in any other offensive
abilities he will remain camouflaged and have increased movement speed. If he
does choose to attack, however, he will get bonus attack speed, making this a
really versatile ability for both offense and defense.
All three of
the above abilities ultimately contribute to Viego getting his possession
ability as often as possible, which does also fully charge his ultimate. But
what does his ultimate, Heartbreaker, do? Well, if you have a possessed form
you will discard it. Then you will blink and deal area of effect damage and
knock back all but one of the enemies around you as well as be knocked back.
That one enemy, the champion with the lowest health in the area, will instead
take a devastating direct attack and be slowed 99% for half a second. The final
insult to injury? If Viego expended a possessed form then the cooldown of his
ultimate is reduced to 1.5 seconds.
In case the
ramifications of the above slipped under your notice, that means that Viego
could attack a group of enemy champions with Heartbreaker, push the rest back
while killing one, possess the champion he just killed, and then immediately
use Heartbreaker again. In the right circumstances, a Viego player could chain
two or three kills together. That isn’t even taking into consideration
combining Viego’s other abilities.
We referred
to Viego as an ambush champion, and while his chaining ability does make him
devastating at delivering massive amounts of damage at once and even possibly
killing more than one champion, that probably isn’t how he should be played.
Using Viego’s Harrowed Path and Spectral Maw to their fullest means that you
should be striking and retreating quite frequently. Combined with the natural
advantages of the jungle, you could be able to kill a single champion easily,
possibly even amongst a group without the rest of them necessarily know when or
how it happened. But they will certainly know who from the carnage left in
Viego’s wake.
And this
doesn’t even consider the capacity for you to disguise yourself as an enemy
combatant. Sure, the 10-second possession window isn’t a huge amount of time,
but when the enemy champions see you emerge from the mist and are unsure if the
person leaving is their teammate or a now Ultimate charge enemy, all you will
need is those few seconds of hesitation to rack up those kills.
We are very
excited to see how Viego will fare in pro play and with updates in the coming
months. We foresee him becoming a big contender. Maybe not top tier, he does
have a few shortfalls like very little in the way of keeping himself alive, but
we can see him easily entering the rotation of regular play in high-ranking
games in the coming season. You can also
search for League of Legends accounts for sale with Viero if you want to jump straight into the