Spending Money
in Grand Theft Auto Online

With GTA
Online heading into its 8th year, it might be a bit of a surprise to see its
still going strong. Not a huge surprise if you play it, that is, but if you
didn’t know any better it would be a big surprise. Ignoring the wide range of
gameplay experiences in the base content alone and not to mention the massive
amount of fan-made content or content that is provided by players creating
their own experience through role-play and group gameplay.
With the
massively establish player base, getting into GTA online, thriving instead of
just thriving, can prove very difficult. Success in GTA online is measured in
two primary ways: cash and rank. You need both to get both. The more rank you
have the best equipment and resources you can have access to, and then obtain
using cash. Higher rank also means more types of jobs you can access in order
to get more cash. I think you can see what we are getting at here.
But there is
a lot of stuff that you can buy in GTA and price does not equal quality, in the
real world of the game world. Cost can be a status symbol, but not a
representation of efficiency. So what should you spend your cash on?
Let’s talk
about non-essentials. It’s easy for people in these guides to say that
cosmetics are not a high priority. Mechanically, that is true. If you are
trying to establish a consistent cash flow, better equipment is always a better
investment. But here is the thing, it’s not a job, it’s a game. It’s supposed to
be a fantasy of playing in this world. It’s supposed to be fun. Dress your
character the way you think they should dress, if it’s fun to you, it’s not a
waste of cash. The same goes for everything else we recommend or don’t
recommend here. Take it with a grain of salt.
Next, we
have guns. Guns are important in GTA, they keep you alive and your enemies
dead. And wherever you stand on killing other players in GTA, guns are
essential to navigating a world where killing each other isn’t necessarily a
discouraged option. There are a handful of guns that are must-haves for
essential gameplay.
The special
carbine, worth around $12K, is your well-rounded go-to gun. It will simply
serve as the gun you need whenever you need it. The assault shotgun, a steal at
$1500, is very powerful and can keep people out of your personal bubble with
lethal efficiency. And last and far from least we have the heavy sniper at
$9.5K. Really effective only at long range it makes up for it by being
extremely effective. One-shot kills are the heavy sniper’s bread and butter, so
as long as you know you’ll have the distance for it, you should pack this one
for the trip.
The thing
you will likely be spending the most money on in-game, and arguably equally
important as guns are cars. When buying cars, firstly make sure you have
already purchased an apartment so that you have access to a garage to store
them in. Secondly, you’ll want to make sure and own at least one of each class
of car. Some races are specialized with specific prerequisites, and if you want
the opportunity to race all around GTA online’s world, then you are going to
need a well-established car collection.
Are any cars
specifically essential? There is a couple we recommend above others. For
missions and combat-heavy gameplay we suggest either the Armored Kuruma, worth
a fat $525K, or the Insurgent Pickup, valued at $1.3 million. These vehicles
armor may not help with speed but it makes sure you are going to stay on the
road and going the direction you need to. On the other end of the spectrum is
the X80. The X80 is one of the fastest, if not the fastest, cars in the game
and worth its high price tag of $2.5 million. It’s designed and optimized as a
racing vehicle and that’s exactly what you are going to use it for. Specialized
races may take some specific choices and customization, but speed is always the
most essential factor in any race and having access to the fastest car in the
game is simply a sound investment.
Speaking of
sound investments let’s talk about businesses, CEO offices, and Warehouses.
While the initial investment to an almost nonexistent payoff definitely soured
these gameplay elements to players when they first launched, we strongly
suggest giving them a look over. When your assets are properly managed and utilized,
the passive income they can generate is actually quite high, completely
justifying their base investment. Investing in these options early, essentially
as soon as you can, means you can splurge on more of the big-ticket items
Last but not
least we have some options that look tempting, but we are actually going to
suggest avoiding, at least until you have money to straight-up burn. The Luxor
Delux jet is very fancy, don’t get us wrong we can see the aesthetic appeal.
But the jet itself does nothing better than other items in-game to justify the
cost. We know we said that playing for fun is important, but we also don’t want
players to spend $10 million on this jet and expect to get more than what you
see on the surface, because that’s all the Luxor Delux is. The honorable
mention in this category is the Aquarius yacht. While some players argue that
yachts as a whole are useless, they do give you access to certain missions. The
catch here is that while the Aquarius is the most expensive yacht at $8
million, it isn’t the best. The Pisces yacht costs a million less but has way
more potential in its customization, so save yourself a little money.
And there
you have some of the best in-game objects money can buy in GTA Online. The good
news about all these things is about 90% of them are investments, with the
potential to return their cost. Think of it as an investment, an investment
that lets you blow things up. Or a “cool” investment, as we would put it. Speaking of investments, some players may choose
to buy GTA Online accounts to jump straight into the game with a decked out