Castle Nathria Mythic Raid Racing

15th started the race for the mythic finish line with the launch of the Castle
Nathria mythic raid. Thousands of guilds face off against 10 intensely
difficult bosses to see who can be the first in the world to beat the raid. As
of the writing of this, more than 5 days later, none of the teams have crossed
the final hurdle but some of them are getting very close. It like will be quite a while until WoW accounts with mythic gear are available in this market.
Each mythic
raid group is composed of 20 players, the small number of contributors being
one of the key reasons the mythic raids are so difficult. With Castle Nathria,
you can normally face off against the bosses in different orders but since all
of these guilds competing to be the first in the world to beat Castle Nathria,
it is only fair to have the bosses arranged in the same order. Less luck and
more strategy will help the very best in the world stand out for skill rather than
their good RNG. Many players have been
frustrated with heroic raid difficulty and have made the decision to sell their WoW account
rather than face the challenges.
Of the 10
total bosses, the top 10 contenders for the title of first in the world have
all beaten 7 of 10 of the bosses. To put a name to that count, all 10 of those
guilds have managed to beat (in this order) Shriekwing, Huntsman Altimor,
Hungering Destroyer, Artificer Xy'Mox, Sun King's Salvation, Lady Inerva
Darkvein, and The Council of Blood. Each of these bosses is a challenge unto
themselves with unique mechanics that would make even one of them a challenge
for a 20 player party. It is an ineradicable feat of gamesmanship that so many
guilds have gotten so far in relatively so little time.
The wall
that is holding up all but the top 3 guilds appears to be the 8th boss of
Castle Nathria, Sludgefist. Sludgefist is a single-phase boss and a hell of a
bruiser that packs a wallop. Nothing some proper tanking can’t handle, right?
Well, Sludgefist is the 8th boss, so he has to have a few tricks up his sleeve.
And none of Sludgefist’s tricks are more devastating than his tethering
ability. Sludgefist connects players together, forcing them to try and maneuver
the battlefield without moving more than 12 yards from one another. If you move
too far apart and the tether is broken then both players take massive damage.
The teams
are probably having a hard time surmounting Sludgefist’s steep “win condition”
where he will periodically destroy pillars and sections of the room and, if not
mitigated properly, will deal enough damage over time to wipe the party from
this effect alone. Timing and maneuverability are essential, but so is the
coordination, and that makes this seemingly simple boss fight a real test for
even the most seasoned guilds.
The guilds
in the top 3 positions of this race to beat mythic Castle Nathria are Pieces,
Echo, and Complexity Limit. Pieces is holding third, managing to bring down
Sludgefist, only to run into trouble against the 9th boss, the Stone Legion
Generals. The Generals are 2 bosses built into a 3 phase fight with a wide
array of high damage random target attacks. They have to be fought with
mechanical precision and top tier teamwork or you won’t be able to make it to the
end. It is impressive to beat this boss with a full raiding party, but just 20?
It is unsurprising that only the top 2 have managed to get past them to the
final boss.
As it stands
now, Complexity Limit and Echo have both managed to defeat the generals and
only have one boss standing in their way. These are two teams each with their
own impressive stories that make them worth rooting for. Complexity Limit is
the defending world champion from the last expansion mythic race, Battle for
Azeroth. They have a title to defend and, so far, has been doing so
fantastically and maintaining a more than decent lead. But the margin has
become slimmer and slimmer as team Echo has caught up with them to face off
against the final boss at the same time.
Echo is made
up of former members of Method, a guild that has lost a lot of its talent due
to the mishandling of sexual misconduct allegations. Rather than signing on
elsewhere, the former Method power players formed a new guild and it looks like
they have something to prove. Complexity Limit better take full advantage of
the extra strategy time they had because they are going to need every trick in
the book to beat the final boss before their title is snatched from beneath
The 10th and
final boss that both these guilds are up against are Sire Denathrius. Sire
Denathrius, like all good devastatingly hard WoW bosses, has three phases.
During each of these phases, Sire Denathrius will be utilizing massive AoE
damage as well as random target abilities. Denathrius would be a party killer
outside of mythic, and the smaller party means even less wiggle room for
messing up. His 2nd phase adds power summoned flying swords to his list of ways
to kill you and then the 3rd phase is just more of the same, actually. Well, he
does create a copy of himself during the 3rd phase who can cast all the same
abilities, but technically we’re right.
Even with
the top players in all of WoW competing for days straight, it’s no surprise to
us that Sire Denathrius proves a more than an overwhelming challenge. Heck,
we’re still impressed that some of the guilds managed to be Sludgefist. Then
again, we have watched all types of teams overcome intense challenges with
strategy, teamwork, and skill time and time again and we have no doubt that
Sire Denathrius will go the same way. Okay, maybe just a little doubt. But that
will make his defeat, and the earning of the title of world champion, that much
more exciting when it happens. We have been sitting on the edge of our seats
for a few days now, and we will probably keep doing so until one of these
guilds manages to pull off the raid of a lifetime.