Naxxramas Begins Testing On The World Of Warcraft
Classic PTR

World of Warcraft has been a game
shaped by a relatively long passage of time, a period of over 15 years. When
your game model is dependent on continuous play, you need to be constantly
changing and growing with your player base. This is figurative in the sense
that video games are a rapidly changing medium/market. But this is also very
literal if you consider that people who started playing World of Warcraft when
they were 16 will be around 30 when the newest expansion, Shadowlands, releases
at the end of this year. That is pretty wild if you think about it. How many of
us can say that we have a lot of games that we have played consistently for 15
years? While most of us are much older
now and have way less time available to play, you can skip the grind and buy a WoW Classic account rather than grind up yourself.
The most
interesting thing about more than a decade and a half of development is getting
to look back and compare it to its roots. And with the most recent
pre-expansion patch drastically restructuring the leveling system we thought
there would be no better time to want to reminisce about how we used to play.
Blizzard has made doing that particularity easy for players who want to relive
the “glory days”. World of Warcraft Classic is a version of the game that has
been remade the way the game used to be. Technically all the changes made to
WoW were intended to be improvements, and undoing one or two changes could make
the game less enjoyable. But what about taking away 15 years of changes. It
really is a completely different game.
One thing that has not changed in World of Warcraft Classic is the
grind. Even after a player grinds to
level 60, they must still grind out gold for potions, flasks, repairs, and
other raid necessities. Since not
everyone has time for this, some players choose to buyWorld of Warcraft Classic gold to
save on time.
nostalgia factor is definitely worth it for the veterans, but what about
players who got into WoW longer after the release? Is it worthwhile for newer
players to experience WoW classic? The general consensus is that while the
older version of the game does focus more on the MMO grind it is a pretty
different experience from the more modern iteration of the game. So if you are
interested in experiencing one of the very first MMORPGs as it was originally
designed to be played, then the classic release is definitely worth your time.
is a bit of debate about how “loyal” of a recreation WoW Classic is compared to
the original. Some features have been altered to allow for a more social
experience, which is not only considered an improvement by reviewers but also
an improvement on the modern version of the game as well. Some criticize
Classic for its use of layered servers, especially since it is found that this
server format can be exploited for profit by players, but this issue has been
reduced overall and occurs in only servers with high populations.
If there was
a perfect time to hop from WoW to WoW classic, I can’t think of a better one.
While some new content came with the “level squish” patch, there isn’t nearly
enough to fill the gap caused by the delay. A lack of main game content isn’t
the only reason to make the transition now, though. An old favorite zone just
entered the Player Test Realm (or PTR) and one that we think is definitely
appropriate for the upcoming Halloween season.
the floating necropolis and home to some of the most vicious original WoW
bosses has made its debut in testing. While you can’t play it in its original
format for the time being, it’s still being tested after all. But that doesn’t
mean you can’t have fun in the testing process, plus giving a helping hand to
the developers means you’ll get to play Naxxramas as it was meant to be
experienced that much sooner.
What is
testing out Naxxramas really mean? Well, first and foremost, as of writing
this, the developers are only testing the Plague Quarter and its bosses, so if
you participate in the test you’ll be squaring off against Noth the
Plaguebringer, Heigan the Unclean, and Loatheb but not anybody else. The other
drastically different thing about testing a raid is all the players
participating receive pretty sizable buffs to their life and power. The
developers have stated that they need the players to be at a specific level of
power in order to adequately test the raid bosses and their abilities, so
everyone participating will be effected by this buff. The buff can vary from
run to run since they might need to tweak it for testing purposes.
Another big
change is you won’t be able to access Naxxramas in the traditional fashion,
which is mostly a given. But how do you get to the flying necropolis then?
Well, a special NPC named Johnny McWeaksauce will be present in all capital
cities to teleport you to the testing area. Pretty simple stuff, right? And
with a name like that, there is a good chance Johnny is going to stand out.
Johnny’s brother Jimmy will also be present within Naxxramas in order to
provide stuff like healing items, again to aid with the testing and its parameters.
Now the test
of Naxxramas is only for a limited time and when it will close is not set since
it will depend on how the testing goes. But, if you happen to miss it, you have
no need to worry. This “new” raid will be available to WoW Classic players in
the near future and you will be able to get your fill of undead boss bashing,
not to mention some nice loot that probably isn’t available to players helping
test the rebooted raid.
As fun as
the concept of World of Warcraft Classic may sound to some, it is
understandable for some players to be skeptical at the idea of paying to play
the same content twice. Some players may
play for a few weeks, then remember why they quit in the first place. For those players that do decide to quit,
Accountwarehouse is a great option to sell WoWclassic accounts. Though, if you think about it, its kind of funny
of a game being updated to the point that older content is no longer available.
Though not unheard of in the era of post-release game patching, does that mean
it should be acceptable? Should someone’s access to the game’s content they
have paid for change over time? Yet another layer to the questions that digital
products add to the list of issues with the definition of legal ownership.
Still, the chance to experience some nostalgic fun might be too tempting to
pass up.