League of
Legends Releases 11.5 Update

League of
Legends recently saw its 11.5 update and with it came a ton of nerfs, buffs,
and changes to the overall mechanics. Plus a lot of bee-themed stuff, but we
will get to that. We want to get through the key mechanical changes that people
are going to be invested in, then we will have all the time we want to talk
about the fun stuff, like bee costumes.
Let’s start
with talking about the nerfs. You know, the changes that are powered by your
hatred for getting slaughtered by the same overpowered ability/item combo every
match. At least the League of Legends developers seem invested in listening to
their player base, which is more than you say about some developers. So who got
de-powered in this round of changes?
Azir got his
Sand soldier damaged decreased for starters to try and even out his power curve
a little. Gragas got an increase to the cost of his barrels and got in made
flat for every level in order to stop him from dominating the top lane. Rammus
had his base health reduced. He is supposed to be a tank, but he isn’t supposed
to be invincible, at least so say the developers. It’s unsurprising that the
next champion to see a nerf is Rell, considering her relative newness she will
likely take a few more tweaks to get just right. This time around her base
armor was decreased and the cooldown on her W abilities was increased.
Seraphine, also one of the newer champions, is getting a lot more of her
mechanics nerfed. Her passive notes are being removed altogether, her
ally-supported notes getting reduced damage as well. Her R ability is also
getting an increase to its cool down. Shaco is getting hit hard with the nerf
in 11.5, this champion dealing less basic and single target damage. To compensate
they are increasing Shaco’s damage to monsters, but overall this change is
rough enough that it’s still considered a nerf. Lastly on the list is Udyr who
is getting an overall health reduction and the damage to his R ability is also
getting reduced.
And the half
of the list that makes everyone equally unhappy, because people are so hard to
please, the buff list. Jax is getting a basic attack growth buff, a small
change but an important one. Karma is getting an additional buff as she still
isn’t performing in the way that the team would like, so her Q ability is
getting a decreased cooldown. Kog’Maw is seeing a buff too, but it’s a small
one. The damage on the W is getting an increase, but only in its higher levels.
We are seeing another damage buff with the champion Master Yi too, his E
ability seeing an increase in overall output. When we get to Qiyana we are
noticing a trend in the buffs. Her W ability is seeing an overall increase in
damage and her R ability seeing a gradual increase instead. Samira’s seeing a
base damage growth increase as well as a ratio damage increase for her Q
ability. The second hit damage ratio for Sejuani is seeing an increase as well,
a minor change but enough that the devs thought it would make him a bit more
viable. Lastly, for the flat buffs, we have Trundle whose cooldown for their Q
ability was decreased by a whole half a second. Not bad.
There are a
couple of characters who have seen some flat adjustments to how they operate.
Pyke’s passive ability, Gift of the Drowned Ones was changed so instead of
adding as much health storage instead it increases lethality depending on the
number of enemies in the area. Twitch also received an adjustment. Their
passive damage ratio for Deadly Venom has been reduced but the bonus damage for
their R ability and its duration have both been increased.
The newest
champion, Viego, also had several bugs with his character and abilities fixed
in this patch
. So if you’ve seen anyone exploiting damage immunity bugs or
bugs that increase the ranges of abilities, well those just got patched out. No
more worries about getting long-range possessed, not in the game anyway.
As usual,
Champions aren’t the only ones to see changes, as several items got tweaked as
well. Muramana got an overhaul to make it more distinct from Essence Reaver,
correlating its bonus damage with overall max mana. Stridebreaker is having its
ability balanced to make it more even overall without necessarily changing how
powerful it is. Guinsoo’s Rageblade has been given additional rules so it is a
more broadly useful item instead of making those who depended on it for
critical buffs become extremely OP. On the other side of things, Serpents Fang
had its ability simplified to be closer to something Grievous Wounds but specifically
for shields. Maw of Malmortius just had its price dropped. This doesn’t change
the power, but may make it a better contender when you consider your options.
Black Cleaver also saw a price reduction, but also with a significant buff to
its health and damage to make it a better pick for longer fights.
Last, but
far from least, March 4th saw the release of a handful of bonus skins and
colorations that were all bee-themed. You have Beezahar, Yuubee, and Bee’Maw so
if you are a fan of any of those champions but don’t think their aesthetic
choices are cute enough or insect-y enough well the 11.5 update has the content
you have been waiting for. These cutesy costumes may not be everyone’s cup of
tea, but let’s consider the tactical advantage. You ever equip a cute skin just
so the enemy will let their guard down? Even if they don’t then you haven’t
lost out on anything. Can’t hurt, just saying.
And there
you have all the major balance changes, along with some bee commentary, that
came to League of Legends with the 11.5 update. Hope your favorite champions
got buffed and those you hated got nerfed. And if they didn’t, hey there is
always the next update to cross your fingers and look forward to. With any update, not everyone is happy so if
you are looking to sell your League of Legends account, we have you covered!