League of Legends
11.13 Patch Update

It’s time to
talk about every League of Legends player’s favorite part of the game: the
patches. Update 11.13 isn’t a huge one, with less than 10 characters total
being affected. But as any LoL player knows, it’s the small changes that can
really ruin your day and your game. But maybe we are going into this being too
pessimistic. We will just get the nerfs out of the way and then it will be
smooth sailing from that point on.
with the nerf on Kayn, and to be frank it is a bit of a weird one. Technically
none of his stats of been reduced. Instead, his Blade’s Reach VFX is now
revealed when cast within the terrain. This was a choice made by the dev team
in response to Kayn’s relationship with terrain so this is a unique nerf for
specific or him. Is it fair for this character to be singled out in this way?
Irrelevant. What is important is if it is balanced. And with that, only time
will tell.
The next up
to get nerfed is Lee Sin. He has been seeing a lot of domination in play so the
devs thought just a small tweak would be good. His E ability power increase has
been tapped down a tad so it isn’t strong at later levels. Not the worst nerf
I’ve heard of, but I’m sure Lee Sin mains won’t be happy to hear it.
Rumble is
getting nerfed again because the dev team just can’t seem to stop this champion
from leveling the playing field fast and hard. Thus, Rumbles W ability will
have its cooldown slightly increased and will provide less bonus movement speed.
They really want to slow Rumble down. Will it be enough this time? I doubt it.
Valor is the
last to be specifically nerfed in the 11.13 update. The Devs thought people
playing here were allowed to be too reckless when it came to charging at other
champions. A decent-sized nerf to the amount of shields she can generate will
make her mains think a bit more carefully about how they play. That’s what the
Devs are hoping, at least.
Next, you
love and I love them, the buffs. Who is going to be blessed during this patch?
Three different champions were lucky enough this time around. First, we have
Aphelios who had his passive damage bonus ability buffed, which is always nice.
I guess the Devs just want to see their boy get the play they think he
Olaf is
built to be unstoppable, but for some reason, he was getting stopped a lot. The
Devs took a look and decided the simplest answer was best, just make the Viking
harder to kill. Olaf got a flat buff to his health and mana growth. Not as
flashy as some buffs, but certainly healthy. Like the whole-grain cereal of
Last up in
buffs we have Xayah. Here is another champion the Devs thought was just
performing too poorly overall. They did up buffing the damage of her Q ability
but also Xayah received an overall damage buff to make it so any variety of
build her players prefer is accessible. I guess they just want to see Xayah
reach new heights.
Lastly, in
terms of champion changes, we have two adjustments. The first is everyone’s
favorite undead king. The adjustment, in our opinion, is pretty drastic. Viego
will be receiving half the health he originally received from slaying minions
but to even it out, Harrowed Path is seeing a sizable buff. We are a bit
surprised at just how drastic this shift is, but players who have been watching
Viego mains sitting comfy and harvesting health might think this is exactly
what this champion needed to even the playing field.
The second
adjustment is actually a heavy rework of Tahm Kench. There is a lot of little
changes, but essentially Kench has been refitted to work better with teammates
and be better suited for more proactive play. Less power, more technicality,
and precision. I couldn’t say for sure just yet but it looks like this version
of Kench would be a heck of a lot more fun to play.
On a
non-Champion related note, but a note of importance none the less, Smite has
also seen a bit of a rework. While its damage to monsters remains the same, the
damage to pets and minions has been drastically reduced. If you were getting
comfy one-shotting someones ultimate pet, you aren’t going to be doing that
Also very
exciting is the introduction of two new powerful items. The Devs are always
really excited to see our reactions to our new toys so we try to keep it positive,
but honestly this is some good stuff. Anathema’s chains letting you pick an
opposing champion to declare a vendetta against, how great is that. We are
always big fans of spite-based mechanics. The second item, The Skullbreaker, is
a funny little tropey piece of equipment that, when you are unaided by allied
champions buffs you and the larger minions. Like seriously, what’s not to love
about that?
We know you
all don’t expect us to gloss over the cosmetics do you? I know some people
aren’t as invested, but come on, looking good is at least a quarter of the fun
of League of Legends. This patch sees the release of astronaut versions of
Maokai, Rammus, Veiger, and Corki. Each of those astronaut skins will also get
a slue of different chromas to accentuate whatever look your are feeling for
that match.
Those are
the significant and noteworthy changes coming to your League of Legends game
with patch 11.13. About the same as all these patches are, isn’t it? Some good,
some bad, and always a reason to come back to the game I love. While many players may quit the game because
their favorite champion got nerfed, many others will return to the game and
even buy LOL accounts to get a head start on the season. Sometimes it is to see if the patch crashes
and burns, but the cynical in me deserves to have fun sometimes too, you know?