First Look into Wild Rift in League of Legends

If you told
us a while ago that they making a mobile version of League of Legends we
wouldn’t have been surprised. I mean, don’t worry, we know about Wild Rift
someone told us. But it is an increasingly common trend to adopt mainstream
popular franchises to phone ports, especially with the increased capacity of
phones to handle more and more demands on their hardware. If you told us that
Wild Rift would be a really good League of Legends port, then we would probably
be very much surprised, and just more than a tad skeptical. In fact, we have a
hard time believing it now as we write this article. But yeah, it’s true, go
specifically, Wild Rift isn’t as trimmed down as most were expecting to be.
Don’t get us wrong, if you are a hardcore LoL purist who needs your specialty
mouse, keybindings, and headset then Wild Rift isn’t really for you. But the
thing it, it isn’t just for new players either.
Don’t get
us wrong, Wild Rift is really accessible to new players. Tons of tutorials,
easy controls, easy-to-understand gameplay, and shorter matches make this
version of LoL a newbies dream. Absent too are the horror stories you may have
heard before, no voice chat and all the interactions are pre-programmed. The
toxic facets of the community will not be able to get much of a foothold here,
knock on wood.
What about
more long-standing fans, veterans, and the like? What will they think about
Wild Rifts? Surely it isn’t meant for them. Maybe they aren’t the target
demographic, true. With the gameplay for regular LoL being so established and
daunting, Riot does need a way to give newer players access to the lore if they
want to see new player bases for the other spin-off games like Team-Fight Tactics
and Legends of Runeterra and Wild Rift might be just what the doctor ordered.
But back to
the previous question because we weren’t done answering it. Wild Rift isn’t bad
for veteran players, some may even really like it. Wild Rift, while paring some
stuff away to get the game into mobile shape, there is a lot that has been
retained. In fact, some players may really enjoy having some of the more
complex aspects of LoL removed since a lot of new gameplay and champions might
have been challenging for long-time fans. Wild Rift is good for new players,
but it might be a breath of fresh air for veterans who are looking to come out
of retirement.
And the
gameplay might feel different without your standard PC mouse and keyboard set
up, but it will feel familiar too. The lanes are still there, the roles are
still there, your favorite champions are still there, except now they are
spelled out in much more direct and simplistic terms. You probably won’t have
the check the wiki if you haven’t caught up on the lore in a while, which we
personally count as a plus.
Well, now
your really skeptical right? Because it can’t all be good news. Well no, it
can’t, opinions are a fickle and subjective thing. Where some people see
simplicity and streamlined mobile controls, others see ones that aren’t precise
enough. And that is fair on both sides. You can no longer choose specific
enemies, no mouse clicking after all, but instead, choose areas and the A.I.
chooses enemy priority. Less precise, to be sure, and if that is what you value
in your LoL strategy then you are sure to be in for a bad time.
thing to point out. If you are looking for highly skilled opponents every time,
then Wild Rift might not be your cup of tea for the time being. It’s inviting
to new players, which means new players are going to play. This is a good
thing, generally, but that also means you can’t expect the same skill level
matchups you get with people whose League of Legends account is older than the
entirety of the Wild Rifts game.
The biggest
downside? Well, it might not really be an issue with the game at all but rather
the nature of the beast. If you are a long-time LoL fan then you have your
account around the way you want it, with your preferred champions and preferred
skins and all of that good stuff. The thing is, while Wild Rift has a lot of
the champions from core LoL in it, your account and assets don’t transfer. To
play some of your favorites you might have to buy them all over again, which
has certainly left a sour taste in some players’ mouths. Why try a new, similar
game on your phone if it just means you have to start building an account from
scratch after investing years in the one you have on your PC? We think is a
very fair question.
What it
really comes down to are your expectations. Wild Rift is far from a bad game,
and that’s fairly objective. It runs smoothly and it is fun. Perhaps you may
see Wild Rift accounts for sale soon on a League of Legends account marketplace such as our own. If you
remove that there is an existing similar game on the PC to compare it to then
what do you have? It is hard to be able to examine anything in a vacuum, but
being perfectly blunt Wild Rift is good because it a mobile port of a tried and
tested good game, and there is little more to it than that. Little more, that
is, other than larger mobile and micro-transaction conversation surrounding
gaming as a whole, but that is a different conversation for a different
If you are
a League of Legends fan we say check it out. If you aren’t a League of Legends
fan and want to know what all the noise is about, then we still recommend
checking it out. If you want to know what knights killing giant teddy bears has
to do with a music video that features a woman with fox tails singing in a
laundromat, then this is also a better place to start but we will admit it
might take you a little longer to get caught up.