FFXIV Endwalker
Expansion Announcement

Final Fantasy, a franchise over thirty years
old and has spawned an international sensation that has touched on almost every
major medium and genre imaginable, including two MMORPGs. The more recent of
which is Final Fantasy XIV (or fourteen if you have trouble with roman
numerals) and the subject of our article.
Fantasy 14 had its latest expansion, Endwalker, announced back in February but
only recently are we seeing the details about what is contained within. The
recent final fantasy fanfest was streamed for free and gave us and other
players a first-hand look at what Endwalker would have to offer. This expansion is sure to be a hit with the
player-base. We will most definitely
have FFXIV accounts for sale when
this expansion is released.
announcement already sparked a ton of interest due to it being the culmination
of a multi-expansion spanning story arc. A long-brewing war is about to come to
fruition and the players, the heroes of light, are going to be at the very
center of it. The FF14 fandom has already sung the praises of the storytelling
in the previous expansions and Endwalker’s climax has been hotly anticipated.
Now we have an official release date of November 23, 2021. A six-month wait may
not be what people we hoping for, especially after waiting for a release date
since February. But having a date on the calendar is always a little better
than untethered anticipation, at least in our opinion.
storyline isn’t the only new thing coming with Endwalker, though. Tons of new
content are coming with it. The level cap is being raised to 90. Raised level
caps are pretty standard MMO expansion fair, but the ability to grow the power
of your character or see what new abilities this cap has the potential to
unlock is always one of the best parts of an expansion launch, even if it tends
to be downplayed compared to other content.
players will be seeing new zones to explore. One of which is the region of Garlemald.
Garlemald has been a focal point of the war that has been brewing through the
plotline and players are going to be able to see it close up for the first
time. Equally as exciting, but probably for different reasons, is another
region that will be made available in Endwalker: the moon. That’s right, your
character will be able to go to the freaking moon.
Speaking of
characters, Endwalker comes with two new jobs for players to explore. The Sage,
a new healer, and the Reaper, who has more of a DPS focus. The new jobs will
need to be unlocked and start at level 70 so you will be able to instantly use
these job classes with the new content. The Sage uses four floating gun-like
devices called Nouliths that are mainly used to establish protective barriers and
heal your party but they are also the Sage’s primary form of attack. The Reaper
is a damage dealer who wields a giant scythe. They actually work somewhat
similar to the summoner, as they can call forth an avatar to attack on their
behalf. The main difference is that the Reaper can fuse with their avatar to
push their damage potential to a new level. These are some new and intriguing
concepts that have us really curious about character build possibilities.
feature that struck fans as interesting is the introduction of farming
simulation elements to FF14. The details have been sparse but apparently, a
harvest moon-like addition is being made that is extremely different from more
action-packed gameplay. Definitely being aimed at players looking for a more
relaxed experience with their cozy homes. That is something we can totally get
behind. Developers looking at what people like doing in the game and changing
the experience to make more of that. People like relaxed socializing, and there
should be a place in the game for players like that as well.
exciting announcement is that FF14 will be joining the PS5 lineup. The
PlayStation 5 version will come with a whole host of improvements, including
better performance and frame rate. Good news too if you already picked up the
MMO for your PS4, you’ll be able to get your upgraded copy for free.
There will
of course be more traditional MMO expansion staples, like new dungeons and
raids. All the other new content is exciting, but raids, additional high-level
late gameplay, is where the carbs are going to come from. Not to mention that
the majority of the players will be spending most of their playtime within this
content. It is also, unfortunately, one of the aspects of the expansion we
currently know the least about. Does this make me hesitant to pick it up
myself? Not particularly. The developers have shown a positive enough track
record with this set of expansions that I am willing to invest in, but I can
understand if others wanted to wait until they heard more before getting
That being
said, if you are extremely excited for the release, so much that you just can’t
wait, pre-ordering the expansion will give you tentative early access,
supposedly making the gave available November 19th. A few days isn’t much, but
it can mean a world of difference for hardcore MMO players. The standard
expansion is priced at $40, with the special digital edition coming with an
additional special mount, minion, and weapon, along with a $60 price tag. If
you are so inclined there is also the special physical edition that comes with
a plethora of cool merch including figures pins and posters. A whole host of
stuff to justify the hefty $140 cost, but certainly tempting for us die-hard
We look
forward to counting down the months until the release of Endwalker with the
rest of you. By the time it comes around, we are sure everyone's characters
will be ready for the final war. Make sure to optimize your equipment and
finish all the tasks you put off. And if you’re not done by the time it
launches? No excuses then, you had six months to prepare!