Announces Burning Crusade WoW Classic Servers

Blizzard has just announced the
follow up to its lauded and applauded WoW Classic with, unsurprisingly, Burning
Crusade Classic. But even if this next step seems obvious we can’t deny the
moment of pause it gives even those excited about the prospects.
The launch
of the Classic World of Warcraft coincided with the 15th anniversary of the
most prolific MMORPG that has ever existed (and we say that without any
hesitation). The fifteen years of continuous updates and play leaves the modern
iteration of WoW a distant cousin from its launch and WoW classic is a bit rare
of an acknowledgment from the producers that the newest iteration doesn’t have
to be the preferred one. In fact, Classic proved to be extremely popular and
likely brought many people back to the game. A follow-up to a massively
successful move should surprise no one.
Crusade Classic is shaping up to mirror its original counterpart in the same
ways the original classic did. Add all the new features the original expansion
did without the initial balance and bugging issues. Gone is the anticipation of
seasonal events, as they are all scheduled and well known at this point. In its
place is the opportunity for players to do things with hindsight, which it’s
hard not to see the appeal of that. BCC promises all the fun that your
nostalgia remembers without all the drawbacks that you might have chosen to
Maybe your
memory is even shakier in that. No one can blame you there, that expansion came
out over a decade ago. So what will be new to WoW classic and what will be new
to WoW in general with Burning Crusade Classic? Well, there are the additions
of new lands and rich stories to relive, or experience if you never had the
chance the first time. That exciting in of itself. But we know a majority of
the players are looking towards more character-oriented changes. The two new
races that came with BC, the blood elves and the Draenei, will be available
once again. Additionally, the two new classes, paladin and shaman, will also be
added to their respective factions.
The rivaling
factions aren’t the only aspects of the game that BC will be drastically
impacting. With the introduction of this classic expansion also comes the
reintroduction of Jewelcrafting and the ability of players to craft socketable
jewels for equipment. Burning Crusade Classic also signals the return of flying
mounts, perhaps a welcome relief to players who like the classic gameplay but
miss the faster form of locomotion.
Crusade Classic will also bring some iconic raids back. And while the raids
will feature fixes for the sake of functionality, they will not be as nerfed as
they became in later patches. M’uru in the Sunwell, for instance, will still
have a much bigger health pool than later versions.
That isn’t
to say that corrections haven’t been made for the sake of balancing the Burning
Crusade Classic. Certain abilities that are noticeably more powerful with their
faction, such as the paladin seals, will be available for both factions once
you hit the level cap of 70. So abilities that were held by the Horde or
Alliance will be available to max-level characters in both factions.
Crusade Classic will also make changes to allow for better mechanical fixes.
The arena, for instance, will allow a larger roster for your team so you can
play even when one of your team members isn’t available. More good news for
fans of the arena, every season will be seeing periodic releases, so no matter
which one was your favorite, you’ll get your chance to run it again.
While a lot
of stuff about Burning Crusade Classic is exciting, as exciting as it was when
the initial burning crusade was announced, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have
its critics. People criticizing the choices of a game developer? Unheard of, we
know. Still, we think some of these concerns are valid and worth addressing.
While many
players have widespread concerns and preferred implementations to the classic
servers, we think that one concern is worth pointing out in particular. We the
announce of BBC comes the view of the Ship of Theseus on the horizon. For those
unaware, the ship is a philosophical argument where you take a piece of a ship
each time it is repaired or replaced then eventually you will be able to
reconstruct the whole ship. Are they the same ship? Which one is the original?
The continued development of classic opens up the same questions.
developers have already demonstrated that Classic is not a perfect imitation of
the release of the original WoW. Fixes, changes, and improvements made it a
better experience overall and this is a trend that will continue with Burning
Crusade Classic. But what happens when classic expansions continue to release?
Will the classic eventually catch up with the original? Will they become two
entirely separate games as the gameplay for both continues to evolve? At what
point is it no longer appropriate to call “Classic” classic?
Are these dire philosophical questions? Not
particularly, but important when it comes to a product we as players pay for as
a subscription service. What exactly are we paying for? Are we being
“persuaded” to pay for the same product all over again? If not then should
these changes be implemented when we were playing the first time around?
All that being said, if you are excited about
the announcement of the Burning Crusade Classic, we completely get it. The
nostalgia of getting to experience the first WoW expansion all over again is
tantalizing and hard to pass up, and the more power to you to get the fun you
want out of it. Many players will likely
opt to buy level 60 WoW Classic accounts
rather than grinding up from the start and we totally get it. Maybe consider which ship you are standing on
while you are doing it. Seems to be worth sparing it a thought now rather than
when you realize that it was never the boat you meant to get on.